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Publication Analysis, occurence and removal of nine pharmaceuticals in wastewaters from a municipal wastewater treatment plant
(2013); ; ; ; ; ; ; The effluents from the municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are a major source of release of pharmaceuticals into the aquatic environment. The occurrence and removal efficiency of 9 pharmaceutical compounds of several classes in the WWTP of Bucharest were investigated using 24 h flow proportional composite influent and effluent samples. The compounds monitored during 9 days period were 6 antibiotics (trimethoprim, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, sulphametoxazole, erythromycin), an antiinflammatory drug (acetaminophen), an anticonvulsant (carbamazepine) and a nervous stimulant (caffeine). The analytes were identified and quantified using solidphase extraction and triple quadrupole LCMS/MS. All of the monitored compounds, except norfloxacin and erythromycin, were detected in influent and effluent wastewater. Acetaminophen (up to 30.16 μgL1) and caffeine (up to 74.54 μgL1) were the most abundant pharmaceutical compounds in untreated wastewater. Different compounds were removed to different extent in the WWTP, ranging from 0% for trimethoprim and carbamazepine to 95% for acetaminophen. Of all the antibiotics, ciprofloxacin although detected in the highest concentrations in the influent, in the range 0.90 – 4.97 μgL1 was removed comparatively more efficiently. Ciprofloxacin could have adverse effects on microorganism involved in biological treatment process and the others antibiotics escape WWTP processing, contaminating the receiving water bodies2 Publication A field study on overnight stagnation of drinking water in domestic distribution system
(2014); ; The present study investigates the influence of inhouse installation systems to the tap water quality. In the study were collected more than 100 tap water samples from one important city situated in SouthEast part of Romania with approximately 250,000 inhabitants in order to get an overview of the current contamination level of drinking water (chemical and microbiological) at the consumer’s tap. The quality of drinking water provided by the Water Company was situated in the limits imposed by the National Legislation. The metal concentrations recorded in tap water samples collected with tap flushing procedure were situated under the maximum admissible values, in all cases. The data obtained for 41% of first draw samples (samples collected first in the morning from kitchen without previous flush of the tap) indicated a pollution of drinking water with some metals (Cu, Fe, Ni and Pb) as result of domestic equipment types (pipe, tap, fitting). High concentrations of Cu, Fe and Pb were recorded in households where most of the material used in domestic distribution system was either copper, either cast iron or lead. The study results indicate that in summer period, under the influence of high temperature, the mesophilic bacteria could exceed the admissible values. Biological results showed that in about 55% of the first draw samples, the number of bacteria (at 22˚C and 37˚C) exceeded the admissible limits, but flushing the tap for more than five minutes lead to improve water quality. Only 14% of the samples remain noncompliance samples. The conclusion of the study indicates that materials used and stagnation of the water in domestic distribution systems affect the drinking water quality at the consumer’s tap.1 Publication Considerații privind reactivitatea incarcarii organice naturale fata de clor din surse subterane tratatei sistem biologic pentru biooxidare ioni amoniu
(2014) ;Cosma, Cristiana ;Patroescu, Viorel Ion ;Alexie, Mihaela ;Bumbac, Costel ;Tiron, OlgaCristea, IonutThe presence of inorganic compounds containing oxidable nitrogen within groundwater sources at various,high concentration levels, especially in the case of NH+4 (NH+4 ≤ 8 mg/l), is asking for the replacement of classical oxidation technology using “break point” chlorination, due to non-conformities generated by high consumptions of chlorogenic agents (tens mg Cl2/l) upon the quality of treated water (acid pH, high ratio of residual bound chlorine, trihalomethans above the maximum admissible concentration). Biochemical oxidation using a bio-filter system in specific operating conditions (media type, temperature, oxygen demand, inorganic carbon and phosphorus sources, biological contact time, etc.) is representing a feasible technological alternative. Taking into account that carbon source used within the biochemical process is inorganic, the dissolved natural organic matters (NOM- humic matters) can react with the chlorine used in the final stage of biological effluent treatment. In the conditions of advanced removal of NH+ 4, oxidation to NO- 3, the chlorine dosages needed for effluent‟s finishing, disinfection are reduced. Experimental tests have as objectives to set up the chlorine dosage (Cl2 = 0,5 † 0,8 mg/l) that assures the disinfection of effluents resulted from biological nitrification step and a minimum ratio of residual bound chlorine, as well as the assessment of trihalomethanes formation potential in case of dissolved organic load, DOC ≤ 1,8 mg C/l (weight rations Cl2 / DOC = 1 † 8).1 1 Publication Considerations concerning impact assessment of pollution with breathable PM 2.5 particulate maters. Part 1. Pollution monitoring in urban areas with intense road traffic
(2008); ; The present paper present the preliminary results of a study concerning urban pollution with particulate maters and their effects on people health in Bucharest, Romania; there was determined the level of PM 2.5 and PM 10 into ambient air, their distribution into total dust and the dynamic of PM 2.5 over a period of 24 hours; additionally, the content of lead, cadmium, nickel, arsenic and copper were determined in all dust fraction by atomic absorption with graphite furnace after filters digestion with nitric acid. The mean test results for 24 hours indicate levels of 179.9 ±75.7µg/m3 TSP; 73.6 ±43.6µg/m3 for PM 10 fraction and 52.1 ±29.4µg/m3 for PM 2.5 fraction, comparing with national limits of 150 µg/m3 for TSP and 50 µg/m3 for PM 10 fraction. In was found that, as a mean value, PM 10 represents 39% of TSP and PM 2.5 represents 71% of PM 10. The level of PM 2.5 into air is direct correlated with traffic and meteorological condition; therefore in can be observed an increase in the dust level with temperature increase, and a decrease with the increase of wind intensity.Publication Degradation of triclosan from aqueous systems using a photocatalytic membrane reactor
(SGEM WORLD SCIENCE , 2015) ;Constantin, Lucian Alexandru ;Nitoi, Ines ;Batrinescu, Gheorghe ;Cristea, IonutNechifor, GheorgheNowadays there is an increased concern regarding the triclosan (TCS) – 5 chloro – 2 – (2,4 – dichlorophenoxy) phenol persistence, toxicity and potential negative impact upon the environment. TCS is used on a large scale for personal care products fabrication and therefore is present within the wastewater treatment plants discharged effluents and sludge. Due to its persistence and toxicity, UV/TiO2 photocatalysis coupled with membrane processes for catalyst recovery is representing a promising treatment method for aqueous systems with TCS content. The degradation of triclosan using a photocatalytic membrane reactor utilizing photocatalyst in suspension was studied. The proposed treatment sequence consists of two main steps. First one is heterogeneous UV/TiO2 photocatalysis followed by the second - photocatalyst separation using a polymeric membrane and its reuse within the next treatment cycle together with fresh photocatalyst addition in order to assure optimum photocatalyst dose. UV/TiO2 photocatalysis was performed in the following working conditions: pH = 6.5, catalyst optimum dose [TiO2] = 200 mg/L, time t = 90 minutes. Photocatalyst separation was realized using an ultrafiltration polymeric membrane (12% polysulfone) at a working pressure of 2 bars until a concentration ratio of ½ was achieved. The membrane played a double role both in photocatalyst separation and as barrier for remanent pollutant and degradation by-products molecules. It was found that proposed treatment sequence is efficient for five cycles with no need of membrane cleaning / replacement and with TCS degradation efficiency varying from 99.72% (1st cycle) to 93.52% (5th cycle). The photocatalyst consumption was reduced with 52% in comparison with classic UV/TiO2 photocatalysis processes.38 1 Publication Ecological assessment of mobile cadmium in sediments from cartej mining site, Hunedoara country, Romania
(2013); ; ; The aim of this paper is to assess the impact on the aquatic environment due to cadmium pollution from Certej mining site from Romania. The total and mobile concentrations of Cd were analyzed in thirty sediment and surface water samples collected from Certej catchment area (Hunedoara County, Romania) in three sampling campaignes performed in 2012. Atomic absorption spectrometry in air/acetylene flame was used for determination of Cd content. Four different extraction methods were applied in order to evaluate the mobile Cd fraction and the most appropiate method was selected using a lake sediment certified reference material (BCR 701). The mining activities of non ferrous ore developed in the region for several hundred years has been generated acid wastewaters with high concentration of heavy metals. Total and mobile cadmium values were situated in the range 1 to 7.3 mg/kg dry matter, exceeding the maximum admissible value, which is 0.8 mg/kg in Romania Legislation. In order to estimate the impact of the highest concentration of Cd2+ occured in Certej sediments on the living organisms, ecotoxicological studies were performed. The Cd2+ toxicity was measured using a bioassay batery with fish (Cyprinus carpio), planktonic crustaceean (Daphnia magna) and luminiscent bacteria (Vibrio fischery). The results showed a major toxicity on all tested organisms, with L(E)C50<1 mg/l which indicated an adverse impact on aquatic biota.2 Publication Evaluation of aerobic granular sludge SBR performances
(2011) ;Bumbac, Costel ;Dinu, Laurentiu RazvanPatroescu, Viorel IonAerobic granular sludge has several advantages over conventional activated sludge flocs such as fast settling ability, high biomass retention and ability to withstand high organic loading including potential toxic substrates, leading towards a compact reactor system – aerobic granular sludge sequential batch reactor (AGSBR). Aerobic granules have been successfully cultivated, previously, in SBR systems from flocculated activated sludge fed with synthetic medium with acetate as the sole carbon source or with real municipal wastewater. The main objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of an aerobic granular system to simultaneously remove the organic loading, nitrogen and phosphorus content. The experiments were performed in a SBR reactor with a hydraulic reaction time of 12 hours at loading rates of up to 3.0 kg m-3 day-1 COD and 0,2 kg m-3day-1 of N-NH4+. Compact granules with good settling ability were maintained during the experimental period and high COD removal but ordinary global nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency were registered. Aerobic granules possess high activity, compact structure and good settling ability, and have the potential to simultaneously treat wastewater with high organic and ammonium loading in sequential system at relatively low hydraulic retention times.Publication Influence of phosphorus and nitrates on the species development of Lemna Minor L.
(University of Szeged , 2018); ; ; ; ; ; In this paper we wanted to determine the influence of phosphorus and nitrates in the development of Lemna minor L. To achieve this purpose, eight different growth variants were proposed, starting from the Hoagland culture medium, where the concentration of these two compounds varied. The growth rate in the eight experimental variants, ranges between 150% -325%, with a minimum in the control sample and a maximum at the highest concentration of phosphorus in water.Publication LC-MS/MS determination of eight pharmaceuticals and two disinfectants in the Danube river and three major tributaries from Romania
(STEF92 TECHNOLOGY LTD , 2015) ;Galaon, Toma ;Petre, Jana ;Iancu, VasileStanescu, ElenaA high-throughput, sensitive and selective dual polarity LC-ESI-MS/MS method able to separate and quantitate five anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, piroxicam, naproxen), two diuretics (furosemide, hydrochlorotiazide), two disinfectants (triclosan, triclocarban) and an antihyperlipidemic drug (gemfibrozil) was applied to investigate the occurrence of these compounds in the surface water along the Romanian side of the Danube and three of its main tributaries (Jiu, Olt, and Arges Rivers). The optimized LC method separates all target compounds in less than 10 minutes using a Zorbax Eclipse Plus C8 column (100 x 2.1 mm, 3.5 μm) kept at 20°C and a mobile phase consisting of 0.1% HCOOH and acetonitrile. A 20%/min ballistic gradient applied in 2 minutes starting from 10% to 50% organic followed by a slower 12.5%/min gradient up to 100% organic and an isocratic step of 3 minutes was used to separate rapidly and with high efficiency the analytes. A low mobile phase flow-rate of 0.3 mL/min was chosen to enhance ESI ionization and sensitivity. Optimization of LC-MS method generated low LOD instrumental values situated in the range 0.07 - 6 μg/L. Solid phase extraction using Oasis HLB cartridges was used to concentrate target analytes by a factor of 500. Overall LOD values for surface water considering recovery of target analytes ranged between 0.2 and 14 ng/L. Analysis of surface water from Danube River and its major tributaries, revealed the presence of highly prescribed analgesics like Diclofenac (0.8 - 7.5 ng/L), Ibuprofen (2.1 - 27.2 ng/L), Ketoprofen (0.8 - 12.9 ng/L), Naproxen (2.4 - 106 ng/L) and Piroxicam (0.7 - 1.6 ng/L) and also the disinfectants Triclosan (0.7 - 18.4 ng/L) and Triclocarban (0.6 - 54 ng/L). As expected, the highest levels of PPCPs were detected in the Danube tributaries, downstream cities of Craiova, Slatina and Pitesti proving their contribution to surface water pollution.1 Publication LC-MS/MS determination of eight pharmaceuticals and two disinfectants in the Danube River and three major tributaries from Romania
(2015); ; ; A high-throughput, sensitive and selective dual polarity LC-ESI-MS/MS method able to separate and quantitate five anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, piroxicam, naproxen), two diuretics (furosemide, hydrochlorotiazide), two disinfectants (triclosan, triclocarban) and an antihyperlipidemic drug (gemfibrozil) was applied to investigate the occurrence of these compounds in the surface water along the Romanian side of the Danube and three of its main tributaries (Jiu, Olt, and Arges Rivers). The optimized LC method separates all target compounds in less than 10 minutes using a Zorbax Eclipse Plus C8 column (100 x 2.1 mm, 3.5 μm) kept at 20°C and a mobile phase consisting of 0.1% HCOOH and acetonitrile. A 20%/min ballistic gradient applied in 2 minutes starting from 10% to 50% organic followed by a slower 12.5%/min gradient up to 100% organic and an isocratic step of 3 minutes was used to separate rapidly and with high efficiency the analytes. A low mobile phase flowrate of 0.3 mL/min was chosen to enhance ESI ionization and sensitivity. Optimization of LCMS method generated low LOD instrumental values situated in the range 0.07 6 μg/L. Solid phase extraction using Oasis HLB cartridges was used to concentrate target analytes by a factor of 500. Overall LOD values for surface water considering recovery of target analytes ranged between 0.2 and 14 ng/L. Analysis of surface water from Danube River and its major tributaries, revealed the presence of highly prescribed analgesics like Diclofenac (0.8 7.5 ng/L), Ibuprofen (2.1 27.2 ng/L), Ketoprofen (0.8 12.9 ng/L), Naproxen (2.4 106 ng/L) and Piroxicam (0.7 1.6 ng/L) and also the disinfectants Triclosan (0.7 18.4 ng/L) and Triclocarban (0.6 54 ng/L). As expected, the highest levels of PPCPs were detected in the Danube tributaries, downstream cities of Craiova, Slatina and Pitesti proving their contribution to surface water pollution.2 Publication Metal speciation in sediments from Rosia Motana mining area, Romania
(2013); ; The objective of the study was to investigate the distribution of the metallic elements Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in water column (surface and pore water) and also in the sediment structure („total” concentration dissolved by aqua regia and speciation using BCR sequential extraction procedure on wet sediment) from eight artificial lakes situated around a gold and silver mining area from Rosia Montana, Romania. The sedimentary metal content was fractionated into four fractions: carbonate and exchangeable, metals bound to Fe and Mn oxides, metals bound to organic matter and finally, residual fraction. The extracts were analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Cr and Pb metallic species were not founded in exchangeable forms inside the sediment bodies and are not available for the aquatic ecosystem. Based on average values for the studied sites, the highest bioavailable content in sediments was reported in Taul Mare Lake (Cu, 23%), in Taul Cartus Lake (Cu, 23%; Zn, 48%) and in Taul Tapului Lake (Ni, 58%). The major problems are also associated with rich content of total metals in above mentioned Lakes. The highest pollution risk is present in Taul Tapului Lake, situated near a waste sterile mining dump. Different factors, such as: decrease of the pH, accidental release of oxidizing and reducing agents, can disturb the natural equilibrium of the aquatic ecosystem and can release metallic compounds bounded not only in exchangeable form (Cu, Ni, Zn), but also bounded by organic matter, Fe and Mn oxides (Cr, Pb).1 Publication Method for assessing the environmental inpacts
(2014); ; This paper presents a method for assessing the environmental impacts associated with environmental aspects generated from the activities, products or services of an organization, environmental aspects related to new or planned developments, to new or modified activities products and services. The method takes into account the normal and abnormal operating situations, and the emergency situations. The method proposed for assessing the environmental impacts uses a grid with four evaluation criteria, for each criterion is assigned a rating from 1 to 10. The purpose of assessment of environmental impacts is to identify and then keeping under control the environmental aspects that have or can have a significant impact on the environment. The method is used in INCD ECOIND in the compartment Management Systems for the initial environmental analysis performed into organizations in the purpose to design, develop and implement the environmental management system according to SR EN ISO 14001:2005 standard.Publication Nitrosamines determination in drinking water using a new GC-MS/MS method coupled with automated solid phase extraction
(2016); ; ; ; A new sensitive, selective and accurate GC-MS/MS method with positive electron impact ionization coupled with an automated SPE extraction was developed to detect seven nitrosamines (NDMA, NDEA, NMEA, NPIP, NPYR, NDPA, and NDBA) from several drinking water sources in Romania. The method separated all seven nitrosamines using a Zebron Inferno ZB5HT column (60 m x 0.25 mm i.d. x 0.25 μm df) and He (6.0 purity) as carrier gas at 1.0 mL/min. A fast temperature gradient (15°C/min from 40 to 280°C) allowed efficient separation of the nitrosamines in 23 minutes. Optimization of all GC and MS parameters: injector, oven temperature program, collision energy, ionization source temperature, SRM transitions and others, generated low instrumental LOQ values ranging between 0.95 and 4.50 μg/L. Two MS/MS transitions were used, one for quantification (quantifier) and one for identification (qualifier) of the target compounds. Calibration curves were linear in the range 0.5 – 100 μg/L with R2 > 0.999 for all nitrosamines. Automated SPE using activated charcoal cartridges (2g, 6 mL) and dichloromethane (8 mL) were used to extract and concentrate nitrosamines from drinking water by a factor of 500. Overall method LOQs were situated in the range 2.3 – 11.2 ng/L. The SPE-GC-MS/MS method was fully validated with respect to specificity, linearity, precision, recovery, accuracy and LOQ, and provided good results. The obtained intraday and interday precision values (RSD%) were situated between 4.8 – 6.8% and 6.6 – 10.8%, respectively. Method accuracy was good with absolute recovery values between 77.5 and 93.6%. The developed SPEGCMS/ MS method was tested on several raw and treated water sources from Romania and found mainly NDMA, NDEA at concentrations ranging between 2.8 and 13.5 ng/L. These values are in accordance with previous studies performed in Europe and worldwide.1 Publication Noise attenuation using panels made of polymer composite materials
(2010); It promotes today in Romania a competitive industrial policy principles in order to increase adaptability of Romanian economy the demands of increasingly high market, in terms of trends of economic globalization where to unreported, but the real market is. Economy and industry, attracts serious concerns about environmental pollution. This is the environmental contamination with materials harmful to health, quality of life or the natural functioning of ecosystems. Although some environmental pollution is the result of the action of nature is mostly caused by human activity. We live in a world of sounds without doubt essential in terms of communication and / or transfer information. Nature provides for us an abundant variety of sound sources, but the usual man-up health problems for the environment. Noise pollution is human or animal exposure to sound levels annoying, stressful or harmful. Noise pollution generally refers to unwanted sound produced by human activities undesirable in that it interferes with communication, work, rest, recreation, or sleep. Unlike other types of pollution such as air, water, and hazardous materials, noise is not much time remains in the environment.Publication Obtaining new oxide composie materials with sound- absorbing properties
(2014); ; ; ; This paper aims to introduce new systems for absorption and attenuation of noise based on oxide composite materials made from recycled solid waste. Compared to conventional materials this new type of composites incorporates various wastes that can harm the environment. The absorption coefficient is used to express the capacity of a material to absorb the sound waves. It is expressed in percents and represents the proportion between the total sum of energy that is transmitted and absorbed by the material and the total incidence energy of sound waves. This paper presents several types of composites produced using waste matrix binder. Absorbing capacity of sound for the new composites varies depending on the proportion of waste used. Also, are presented correlations between the grading of the reinforcing material that is used, the density and porosity of the resulted composite and the absorption sound waves coefficient for composite material samples which are reinforced with different wastes.Publication Phenol rich wastewater treatment using an aerobic granular sludge SBR
(2010) ;Bumbac, Costel ;Dinu, Laurentiu Razvan ;Popescu, AncaPena-Leonte, ElizaPhenol can be removed from wastewater by biological treatment, which is generally preferred to physical or chemical treatment methods, because of lower costs and the possibility of complete mineralization. Many bacteria are capable of using aromatic compounds such as phenol as the sole source of both carbon and energy. While phenol, wastewater are usually treated in continuous activated sludge processes, these systems are known to be sensitive to high phenol loading rates and to fluctuations in phenol loading. Formation of microbial granules from activated sludge flocs, under aerobic conditions is currently an active area of investigation for developing new generation wastewater treatment plants for high strength organic wastewater, bioremediation of toxic aromatic pollutants including phenol, toluene, pyridine and textile dyes, removal of nitrogen, phosphate and adsorption of heavy metals. Aerobic granules have been successfully cultivated, previously, in SBR systems from flocculated activated sludge fed with acetate as the sole carbon source. The main objective of this study was to investigate how phenol loading affected the structure and activity of aerobic granules. The results indicated that phenol loading exerted a profound influence on the structure and activity of the aerobic granules. Compact granules with good settling ability were maintained at loading up to 3.0 kg phenol m-3 day-1, and structurally weakened granules were observed at the highest loading of 3.7 kg phenol m-3 day-1. Phenol-degrading aerobic granules possess high activity, compact structure and good settleability, and have the potential to treat wastewater with high phenol loading in sequential system at relatively low hydraulic retention times.Publication Practical aspects of the soil quality assessment in urban areas. Case study
(STEF92 TECHNOLOGY LTD , 2015); ; ; ; Soil pollution is defined as any action that affect the normal functioning of the soil. It is known that human activities have affected while soil quality through various works (eg. mining, excavation, land use for landfills, landslides due to deforestation, erosion, salinization, acidification, etc.) A special attention was focused for the soils research in large urban areas, intensified in recent decades, due to the characteristics and functions of the soils in such areas. Of these, significant are those related to the role of soil as a support for the constructions of buildings, as recreational space or horticultural plant growth medium, especially those with special destination for human and animal nutrition present in peripheral areas. For urban pollutant impact exerted on the soil is exercised by: industrial emissions, road traffic emissions, use of chemicals to increase soil fertility and to combat pests and diseases. This paper presents a recent assessment of the quality of the urban soils in Bucharest, capital of Romania, starting from a conceptual model based on knowledge in the field. In situ investigations and direct observations have resulted in soil sampling in different zones, followed by analysis of the physico-chemical quality indicators relevant to the chemical pollution of soils.1 Publication Proficiency Testing Scheme
(2007); Our Institute, INCD ECOIND Bucharest, with the activity domain environmental research (pollution control, pollution assessment, environmental technologies, environment and quality management, trainings, expertise, consulatncy, technical assistance) by its Pollution Control Department organized during years some National and International Proficiency testing schemes on different pollutants and environment factors. Further will present the statistical treatment and the results of an international PT organized in 2005-2006. Participating laboratories analyzed the samples as part of their normal routine, and reported the results to the scheme organizers. After the statistical treatment done by the organizers the participating laboratories were provided with a report showing how closely their results agree with the accepted value.1 24 Publication Regulation of concentration of chemical substances including hazardous ones-a scientific challenge
(2013)The paper presents a commented comparison of different standard limits for chemical substances including the priority/priority hazardous substances in order to protect the good and very good quality of drinking water as the Water Frame Directive requires for preserving population health and safety. A short review of the regulation efforts is presented underlying the scientific evidences behind keeping those standards updated with the latest research in the field. Example of Romanian legislation requirements for keeping under control the water bodies’ discharges of priority/priority hazardous substances and comments related to the necessity of a mature judgment in applying it are presented in conjunction with the European and international practices.Publication Removal of NH4 + ion from the wastewater using SHARON-ANAMMOX Procedure
(2009) ;Bumbac, Costel ;Pena-Leonte, Eliza ;Florescu, SorinPopescu, AncaEvacuarile de ape uzate cu continut ridicat in compusi cu azot (amoniu, azotat, azotit) pot fi toxice pentru ecosistemele acvatice conducand la scaderea concentratiei de oxigen si eutrofizarea receptorilor naturali. Cresterea continutului de azot in influentul treptei biologice si restrictiile impuse la evacuare (HG352/2005- NTPA001) conduc la necesitatea optimizarii sau redimensonarii statiilor clasice de epurare. Un aport important de azot este adus in statiile orasenesti de epurare de apele rezultate de la deshidratarea namolului rezidual stabilizat prin digestie anaeroba. Implementarea tratarii locale a apelor de la deshidratarea namolului poate fi o alternativa eficienta economic fata de varianta maririi capacitatii treptei biologice sau de imbunatatire a sistemelor de aerare. Lucrarea prezinta experimentarile de indepartare a ionului amoniu (sute mg NH4+/l) din apele uzate rezultate la deshidratarea namolurilor, intr-o instalatie continua in doua trepte: bioreactor aerob hibrid (treapta SHARON - TRH = 8 h) la temperatura constanta (35 0C); bioreactor anaerob cu biomasa in suspensie (ANAMMOX - TRH = 12 h) prevazut cu sistem de agitare mecanica. Datele de caracterizare ale efluentilor dupa adaptarea namolului au evidentiat urmatoarele aspecte: pentru prima treapta (SHARON) randamentul de transformare a ionilor amoniu in ioni azotit a fost de maxim 99%. Randamentul maxim de indeparte a formelor de azot (azot total) a fost 55%; pentru treapta a II-a, randamentul de indepartare a formelor de azot a fost de maxim 12% efluentul final incadrandu-se in limita impusa la evacuare (HG352/2005-NTPA002).