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Title: Management of the resources and research results using specialized metadata control software
Authors: Vasile, Gabriela 
Keywords: Institutional Repository;ECOLIB;Ecology and Pollution Control;Environmental Assessment;Environmental Technologies;Environmental Management;SIMI Proceedings;Articles;Conceference papers;Patents;Book Chapters;Projects
Issue Date: 2016
ECOLIB is the first institutional deposit on environmental issues in Romania. The deposit belongs to the National Institute of Research and Development for Industrial Ecology and contains disseminated materials by the Institute's researchers, such as: articles, papers communicated at international conferences, patents, abstracts of doctoral theses, books chapters, short description of the projects carried out during 2006 - 2017, Proceedings of the International Symposium "Environment and Industry", editions 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017. The archived pdf / ppt materials are in English, being included in seven communities: Ecology and Pollution Control, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Technologies, Environmental Management, Infrastructure projects, Other topics, SIMI Proceedings. The access address is: The archiving of documents was done in accordance with the journal policy in which articles were published, namely open access or restricted access (only by username and password).
Program Nucleu, project code PN 16 25 04 01
Appears in Collections:Project

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