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Title: Evaluation of the impact produced on the environment by the activity of Rosia Jiu Quarry and the possibilities to prevent negative effects
Authors: Cirtina, Daniela
Capatina, Camelia
Keywords: Mining activity;Environmental impact;Rosia Jiu quarry
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology, INCD-ECOIND
The actual mining activity has a varied and complex influence on the environment, materialised by temporary or definitive occupation of a field surface, by affecting, in some cases, the hydrology and the relief surrounding the exploitations, the partial or total degradation of soils and the landscape, changing hydrographical conditions, as well as ulterior change of the environment and the degradation of existence conditions of the inhabitant from the industrial areas. The protection of the environment is accomplished by the reasonable use of the natural resources, by preventing and combating the pollution and the damaging effects of the natural phenomena by means of certain law means. In the present paper it was realised an evaluation of the impact produced on the environment by the activity realised in the Rosia Jiu quarry, being also proposed the necessary measures for the intercession and minimization of the negative effects realised on environment factors.
Volume II

International Symposium "The Environment and the Industry" SIMI
ISSN: (on-line)2457-8371
L 1843-5831
Appears in Collections:SIMI 2011

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