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Title: Groundwater quality assessment for drinking and irrigation purpose using GIS, Piper diagram, and water quality index
Authors: Vasilache, Nicoleta 
Diacu, Elena 
Vasile Gabriela 
Modrogan, Cristina 
Paun, Iuliana 
Pirvu, Florinela 
Affiliations: National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology, ECOIND 
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania 
Keywords: Groundwater;Distribution map;Piper diagram;Sodium adsorption ratio;Water quality index
Issue Date: Oct-2020
Publisher: National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology, INCD-ECOIND
The chemical behavior of groundwater is one of the most dynamic areas of environmental research. In the present study, groundwater sampling from different locations in the north-west area of Romania was performed in order to assess groundwater chemistry and compare water types using Distribution maps. Groundwater chemistry has been evaluated and natural processes are identified as control factors for hydrochemistry. The Piper diagram was created to compare the results of water types. Chemical analysis of groundwater was used to calculate the values of the water quality index. Romanian drinking water standards EPA 485-2002 and WHO standards were taken into account when calculating the WQI. The SAR index was used to evaluate groundwater samples in the study area for irrigation purposes. The classification of water types based on WQI values for each groundwater sample shows that 80% of the analyzed samples can be used as drinking water resources, the rest of 20% is intended for irrigation.
Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry, vol. 2, no. 2, 2020, p. 109-117
Appears in Collections:RJEEC, Volume 2, no. 2, 2020

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