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Title: Recycling fly ash in phytoremediation processes of soils polluted with oil products
Authors: Nicorescu, Valeria
Keywords: Fly ash;Phytoremediation;Petroleum
Issue Date: 2017
Fitoremediation has been studied in situ of soils heavily polluted petroleum products in amount of 70,45-120,52g / kg DM plants grassland grasses and legumes to follow installation and maintenance of grassland crops on plots of polluted soil fertilized with sewage sludge in the absence / presence amendments fly ash or tuff indigenous. We studied the effectiveness of reduction of petroleum products in soils in the process of phytoremediation, in variants of polluted soil fertilized, polluted soil fertilized and polluted soil fertilized and fined the ash from arederea lignite in power plants or tuff study aims to develop quiqkly models and effective phytoremediation of soils contaminated with petroleum products and grassland plants. These models are based processes for recycling of waste: organic sludge resulting in urban water treatment plant and fly ash. Validation of the models of phytoremediation processes developed for phytoremediation of annual
Program NUCLEU PN 16 25 08 11
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