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Title: Detection of antibiotic resistance profile of the bacterial strains from deltaic aquatic ecosystems
Authors: Banciu, Alina 
Keywords: Bacterial strains;Antibiotic resistance;Aquatic ecosystems
Issue Date: 2015
The project is based on the qualitative and quantitative monitoring of fecal pollution indicators from surface waters. The St. Gheorghe Branch fom the south-east of Danube Delta was chosen as reference
area. The surface water samples were monthly collected from 11 control sections and they were quantitatively assessed for the microbiological contamination with fecal bacteria: total coliform bacteria, faecal coliform bacteria and enterococci. The strains were isolated and tested for virulence factors and for antiobiotic resistance. To identify the genes that determine the microorganisms resistant to antibiotics, the bacterial strains resistant to the β-lactams were selected and subjected to DNA extraction used in PCR technique. The high pathogenicity and virulence potential detected by fecal pollution indicators in the surface water indicated an impressive capacity to acquire and transmit the genetic characters that define the antibiotic resistance mechanisms. The study performed in the Danube Delta, on Sf. Gheoghe Branch emphasized both natural and acquired antibiotics resistances of pottentialy pathogenic bacteria.
Program NUCLEU PN 09-13 02 10
Appears in Collections:Projects

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