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Title: Indoor air quality - a methodological approach for the investigation
Authors: Bucur, Elena 
Petrescu, Mihaela 
Vasile, Andrei 
Keywords: Indoor air;Methodology for investigation;Sick building syndrome
Issue Date: 2012
Research results from recent years have shown that we spend more than 80% of the time indoors, where the percentage for children can reach even 85-90%. Indoor air pollution in homes, public spaces and offices is generated largely by activities developed in those areas or by pollutants entering from outside. The effects of indoor air pollution on people from a closed space cover a wide range of events from discomfort and reduced ability to focus "Sick building syndrome" to serious respiratory or neurological problems. In most of the cases, studies’ targeting the effect of air pollution on health raises serious problems because of many variables that are involved, we are talking not only about chemical pollution but also about the synergistic or antagonistic effect of humidity, temperature, noise, electromagnetic radiation or artificial light which can amplify the effect of chemical pollution and discomfort perception. This paper presents a methodological approach for the investigation of a crisis generated by indoor air quality and can also be used for a preliminary evaluation of indoor air quality in order to ensure optimal working conditions in office spaces.
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