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Title: Estimated transfer of volatile organochlorine substances in the ecosystems water, sediment, biota using the concept of fugacity
Authors: Iordache, Mihaela 
Popescu, Luisa Roxana 
Pascu, Luoana Florentina 
Iordache, Ioan 
Keywords: Ecosystem;Fugacity;MacKay model;Volatile organochlorine substances
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies
This aims of this paper is to studying the transfer of organochlorine substances (1, 2-
dichloroethane, trichlorethylene, perchlorethylene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene) in the environmental
water, sediment and biota using calculation MacKay model. The water/sediment samples were
collected from the Olt River, in two locations, Cremenari and Babeni Marcea, situated downstream
of the industrial platform Ramnicu Valcea, during 2013-2014. Modelling revealed clear trend the
transfer of component "air" of these pollutants are known fact that volatile compounds, however,
based on modelling was observed a significant transfer of these pollutants in the factor "biota" in
amounts which may generate medium and long term risk to human health by taking in the food
chain, which at first sight and a first risk assessment made by these pollutants for local residents
can go unnoticed.
Progress of Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation Volume 18 Issue 1
Appears in Collections:Articles

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