Cruceru, IoanaIoanaCruceruIancu, VasileVasileIancuPetre, JanaJanaPetreBadea, Irinel AdrianaIrinel AdrianaBadeaVladescu, LuminitaLuminitaVladescu2017-11-152017-11-1520120167-6369doi: 10.1007/s10661-011-2151-2 Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 184, no. 5, pp. 2783-2795, 2012A simple, sensitive and reliable HPLC-FLD method for the routine determination of 4-nonylphenol, 4-NP and 4-tert-octylphenol, 4-tOP content in water samples was developed. The method consists in a liquid–liquid extraction of the target analytes with dichloromethane at pH 3.0– 3.5 followed by the HPLC-FLD analysis of the organic extract using a Zorbax Eclipse XDB C8 column, isocratic elution with a mixed solvent acetonitrile/water 65:35, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and applying a column temperature of 40◦C. The method was validated and then applied with good results for the determination of 4-NP and 4-t-OP in Ialomita River water samples collected each month during 2006. The concentration levels of 4-NP and 4-t-OP vary between 0.08–0.17 μg/L with higher values of 0.24–0.37 μg/L in the summer months for 4-NP, and frequently <0.05 μg/L but also between 0.06–0.09 μg/L with higher values of 0.12–0.16 μg/L in July and August for 4-tOP and were strongly influenced by seasonal and anthropic factors. The method was also applied on samples collected over 2 years 2007 and 2008 from urban wastewaters discharged into sewage or directly into the rivers by economic agents located in 30 Romanian towns. Good results were obtained when the method was used for analysis of effluents discharged into surface waters by 16 municipal wastewater treatment plants, during the year 2008.en-US4-Nonylphenol4-tert-octylphenolLLEHPLC-FLDSurface waterHPLC-FLD determination of 4-nonylphenol and 4-tert-octylphenol in surface water samplesArticle