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Title: The safety assessment of drinking water distribution systems by tracking metal concentrations compliance with the requirements of 98/83 / EC Directive
Authors: Vasile, Gabriela 
Keywords: 98/83 / EC Directive;Drinking water;Heavy metals;Domestic distribution system;Municipal distribution system
Issue Date: 2013
-Tap water sampling Procedure, harmonized to the European
Legislation Requirements;
- Database regarding tap water pollution with metals in Bucharest, Timisoara, Tg. Mures, Ploiesti, Brasov Municipalities (samples of: raw water sources, drinking water produced, drinking water from municipal distribution system, pumping stations, consumer’s tap);
- Studies on tap water samples collected with different sampling techniques (first draw, fully flush, random daytime); samples collected seasonally: winter - summer; correlations with materials used in household and municipal distribution system;
- Database regarding tap water pollution with metals in 7 localities from Ilfov: Bragadiru, Pantelimon, Cornetu, Ciorogarla, Balotesti, Branesti and Ciolpani (groundwater, drinking water from storage
tanks, tap water samples);
- Technical solutions for remediation of drinking water quality in small communities from Ilfov County (Balotesti, Bragadiru, Ciorogarla, Ciolpani, Cornetu and Pantelimon) – treatment flows for groundwater
polluted sources with Fe, Mn and As.
Program Nucleu PN 09 13 01 06
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