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Title: Some aspects regarding revegetation of tailing with pillared tuff
Authors: Masu, Smaranda 
Dragomir, Niculai 
Bogatu, Corneliu 
Keywords: Waste dumps;Heavy metals;Vegetative layer
Issue Date: 2008
Waste dumps from cooper exploitations represent massive storages of fine sandy material with concentration between 200 and 2100 mg Cu/kg d.m. and low content in nutrients. Installing a vegetative layer on the polluted terrain has the purpose to fix the sandy material against erosion and strong winds and to progressive discard the metals. The study point out the evolution of some selected species that present germination and development potential on indigenous volcanic tuff as is and pillared. From the competition of the sowing species Festuca arundinaceea, Lotus corniculatus, Medicago sativa and Trifolium arvense with weeds result a vegetal layer with an adaped species that cover 70% of the surface sowed in the first year ocf culture.
The 15th Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, Szeged, Hungary
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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