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Ionescu, Ioana
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Ph.D. eng. Ioana Alexandra Ionescu is a 3rd-degree scientific researcher with 10 years of experience in the field of biotechnologies. She graduated from the Faculty of Biotechnology (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest) and in 2015 got her Ph.D. within the same faculty. She participated in more than 15 national projects most of them related to wastewater treatment technologies. The latest qualification is in scanning electron microscopy (SEM): setup and operation, preparing materials for imaging and analysis, capturing secondary and backscatter electrons micrographs, conducting analysis and interpretation.
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Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Apr-2020Analysis of the physical and chemical properties of biocomposite materials obtained from feather flour and polypropyleneAradoaei, Sebastian ; Bahrin, Vasile ; Aradoaei, Mihaela ; Constantin, Mirela Alina ; Constantin, Lucian Alexandru ; Ionescu, Ioana 
2Jan-2020Approaches Regarding Red Mud Valorization for a Green Future and Sustainable EnvironmentCuciureanu, Adriana ; Cernica, Georgiana ; Stanescu, Bogdan ; Ionescu, Ioana 
3Oct-2021Characterisation of Microplastics from the Effluent of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant and from its Natural ReceptorBatrinescu, Gheorghe ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Scutariu, Roxana Elena ; Chiricuta, Bogdan ; Surupaceanu, Ionut Cristian 
4Mar-2020The Clogging Effect in the Process of Protein Separation by UltrafiltrationBatrinescu, Gheorghe ; Scutariu, Roxana Elena ; Cristea, Ionut ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Nechifor, Gheorghe 
5Mar-2021Comparative study of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles and CoFe2O4-chitosan composite for Congo Red and Methyl Orange removal by adsorptionSimionescu, Claudia Maria ; Tatarus, Alina ; Culita, Daniela Cristina ; Stanica, Nicolae ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Butoi, Bogdan ; Banici, Ana Maria 
6Dec-2019Concentration and purification of collagen proteins by ultrafiltrationScutariu, Roxana Elena ; Batrinescu, Gheorghe ; Nechifor, Gheorghe ; Tenea, Anda Gabriela ; Simion, Marius ; Pirvu, Florinela ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Constantin, Lucian Alexandru ; Dolete, Georgiana 
7Jul-2023Evaluation of Thermodynamic Parameters for Cu(II) Ions Biosorption on Algae Biomass and Derived BiocharsCiobanu, Alina Alexandra ; Bulgariu, Dumitru ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Puiu, Diana ; Vasile, Gabriela Geanina ; Bulgariu, Laura 
8Mar-2021Fabrication of PSF and AC-CEL ultrafiltration membranes using phase inversion methodScutariu, Roxana Elena ; Batrinescu, Gheorghe ; Nechifor, Gheorghe ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Cristea, Ionut 
92019The intertrophic relationship between algae and bacteria from the activated microalgae granulesBumbac, Costel ; Manea, Elena Elisabeta ; Stoica, Catalina ; Banciu, Alina ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Badescu, Valeriu ; Nita-Lazar, Mihai 
10Feb-2021Maize Stalk Material for On-Site Treatment of Highly Polluted Leachate and Mine WastewaterMarin, Nicoleta Mirela ; Dinu, Laurentiu Razvan ; Stanculescu, Ioana ; Cristea, Ionut ; Ionescu, Ioana 
11Dec-2019Modern biogas generation method based on ultrasonic and anaerobic fermentation of municipal wastewater biological sludgeStefanescu, Mihai ; Nechifor, Gheorghe ; Patroescu, Viorel Ion ; Dinu, Laurentiu Razvan ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Damian, Constantin 
122019Nitrate removal from groundwater by denitrification in fixed and fluidized bed biofilm reactorsPatroescu, Viorel Ion ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Constantin, Lucian Alexandru ; Dinu, Laurentiu Razvan ; Badescu, Valeriu 
13Dec-2023Polysulfone and cellulose acetate-based membranes' potential application to photocatalytic membrane reactorsConstantin, Lucian Alexandru ; Constantin, Mirela Alina ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Puiu, Diana 
142018Soil and vegetation pollution from an abandoned mining area situated in Hunedoara County, RomaniaDinu, Cristina ; Ungureanu, Eleonora-Mihaela ; Vasile, Gabriela ; Kim, Lidia ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Ene, Corina ; Simion, Marius 
15Jul-2023Trials on ciprofloxacin removal from wastewater using a photocatalytic membrane reactorConstantin, Mirela Alina ; Chiriac, Florentina Laura ; Ionescu, Ioana ; Constantin, Lucian Alexandru